

lookup all documents across all resources which are currently on GroundX

Query parameters


The maximum number of returned documents. Accepts 1-100 with a default of 20.


Only documents with names that contain the filter string will be returned in the results.

sort"name" or "created"Optional

The document attribute that will be used to sort the results.

Allowed values: namecreated
sortOrder"asc" or "desc"Optional

The order in which to sort the results. A value for sort must also be set.

Allowed values: ascdesc

A status filter on the get documents query. If this value is set, then only documents with this status will be returned in the results.

Allowed values: queuedprocessingerrorcompletecancelled

A token for pagination. If the number of documents for a given query is larger than n, the response will include a “nextToken” value. That token can be included in this field to retrieve the next batch of n documents.


Look up success

documentslist of objectsOptional
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